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Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT ISSUES DO YOU SPECIALISE IN?I offer expert therapy and coaching for people who are tired of battling addition and want to reclaim their life. I also help business professionals overcome stress, anxiety and burnout, regain their life-work balance and pursue the career they've always dreamed of.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?Each RTT session lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours. There is some preparation work to be done beforehand, which involves you answering some questions around your health and history, and then we talk about where you are now and where you want to be.
WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE?The experience feels different for each person. Some people feel a floaty feeling, others don’t. Some of you may feel sleepy, a little spaced out, others may not. But most feel relaxed, at ease, and safe in the space. What you feel is not, however, an indicator of how effective it will be. Regardless of all of this, it WILL work!
HOW DOES HYPNOSIS WORK?Hypnosis is not magic, it’s science! It works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM, while asleep. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind, and to focus your concentration and attention, which is the perfect induced state to treat conditions and to change thoughts, behaviour and habits. It’s very easy and anyone can do it, you just need to WANT to do it! Fancy trying it out? Great! Sign up here and get a FREE 30-minute Virtual Session.
WHAT IF I GO BACK TO MEMORIES THAT ARE PAINFUL OR SCARY?If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other traumas, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that moment and merely reviewing it from a safe place. I will help you create that safe place so that you’re able to express your emotions and allow profound healing in.
IS THERE REGRESSION INVOLVED?Yes, there is. Regression is a valuable way to unearth the root cause of any issue. You will not re-experience any of the past. Instead, you’ll be an observer of your own life and the events that have taken place, allowing an objective view and approach to moving forward.
HOW CAN IT WORK IN JUST ONE SESSION?Hypnosis allows direct access to the 'reasons' we do what we do and react in the way we react, saving you hours - and even years - in conventional talk therapy and counselling. This sort of therapy only address the beliefs about an issue at a a conscious level. The source of our issues is usually based on an age-appropriate understandings. When you're able to observe yourself and these understandings with your adult eyes, mindset and compassion, it's relatively easy to let them go and move onto rewiring new beliefs that will help you move forward. Sometimes it can take more than one session per issue but as a rule most issues only take one session. *Please note long-term depression, anxiety and eating disorders for example can take several sessions.
WHEN WILL I START TO NOTICE CHANGES?Everyone is different yet in general, there are three types of change following Rapid Transformational Therapy. You may experience one or a combination of these: Immediate: you feel a significant change and shift right away, which could be changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours, and before the session even ends. Incremental: you see consistent shifts over time. Retroactive: you don’t notice a change straight away and then suddenly you look back and notice all the positive differences in your life that have already taken place.
WHY DO I HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE BESPOKE RECORDING FOR 30 DAYS AFTER MY SESSION?The mind learns through repetition and it takes at least 30 days to form a new habit. The science behind this is that neurons that fire together also wire together. Neurons associated with a certain activity form neural pathways that become stronger the more that activity is engaged in. By listening to the audio, you are making sure the new neural pathways created during the hypnotherapy session are growing in strength and longevity! Think about how difficult it is to learn a new habit. You are shown a better way to hold your tennis racket, for example. It feels awkward and unfamiliar, but only in the beginning. The more you practice, the more comfortable it feels until you reach the point where trying the old way simply feels out of place...
AM I ASSURED OF CONFIDENTIALITY?Yes, 100%. All clients are assured of confidentiality concerning any disclosed material, in accordance with RTT's professional Code of Ethics. The company will never contact any other parties, medial or otherwise, without your express permission first. Disposition of inactive personal files will take place after three years.
ARE YOU INSURED TO PRACTICE?Yes, Public Liability and Personal Indemnity Insurance is in place with BGI UK so we're fully protected.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE THERAPY?Appointment times to suit you No physical barriers Sessions in the comfort and privacy of your own environment Reduced costs Ease of access Get help from anywhere
DO YOU OFFER FACE TO FACE, IN PERSON SESSIONS?Yes, absolutely! There's a lot to be said for RTT Hypnotherapy carried out in real time and space. If this is your preference, great! You can come visit me at Maple Wellness, Epps Building, Bridge Road, Ashford, TN23 1BB. Note this is By Appointment Only.
CAN I BUY A HYPNOSIS AUDIO INSTEAD OF HAVING RTT?Whilst I offer a good selection of hypnosis audio in my shop, I don't yet cover all topics. So, if you find what you're looking for - great! Head on over and pop one in your shopping cart and you'll receive an download link in the email once purchased. The programmes are good for at least 30 days or more to make sure you wire in and fire in those new habits of thought and action. But please be mindful that these audios are not meant to replace Rapid Transformational Therapy. Some issues need more time, attention and care and if you're finding after listening to the audio that no real change is apparent, or that there's something much deeper going on, then book a few sessions and get to the root of the problem once and for all so that you can transform it. Plus, through my sessions, you'll receive a 100% personalilsed service. Understanding is power, and understanding in hypnosis is the most wonderful, liberating, transformative power there is!
WHAT IF I CAN'T GET INTO A RELAXED STATE BEFORE AND/OR DURING MY SESSION?Don't worry! It's not uncommon to feel a little unsure before a hypnosis. But the thing is, you're totally safe and will only do what's in your best interests. Hypnosis is similar to meditation where you're also very receptive to changes you want to make happen. To help you prepare, you can listen to this free 'Relaxation Audio' audio and free 'Preparing for RTT Success' audio to get you in the zone.
ARE THERE ANY CONDITIONS OR SITUATIONS WHERE RTT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE?RTT is a powerful therapy but it’s not the right fit for everyone. There are certain conditions where it may not be helpful or could even have negative effects. For example, it’s not recommended for those with a history of psychosis, as this requires specialised medical care. Additionally, those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may not find it suitable. Our main priority is always your wellbeing and the best possible outcome. We encourage anyone with these conditions to consult their General Practitioner to explore other treatment options. You can also reach out to your local Community Mental Health Crisis team (via your GP or NHS 111) for more immediate, specialised support. If anything concerning comes up during our initial consultation, we’ll always do our best to guide you to the right help.
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